Fig. 5.
Msx1 Cre-mediated inactivation in Pax3-positive cells leads to premature expression of Myf5 in the hypaxial somite. (A) Immunochemistry on transverse cryosections at forelimb level of Pax3Cre/+;Msx1fl/+;Msx2fl/+(control, left), Pax3Cre/+;Msx1fl/fl;Msx2fl/+ (M1, middle) and Pax3Cre/+;Msx1fl/fl;Msx2fl/fl (M1M2, right) embryos at E9.75 (28-30 somites), showing merged images after immunostaining with anti-Pax3 (green) and anti-Myf5 antibodies (red). Contrary to control embryos, double positive Myf5+/Pax3+ cells are found in the region of the hypaxial dermomyotome (HDM), indicated by white arrows in the higher magnification shown for the M1M2 embryo. White lines in merged images represent the upper limit (corresponding to the ventral part of the neighbouring neural tube) below which Myf5+ cells in the Pax3+ population were counted. The contour of the embryos is marked by a white line. FL, forelimb; DM, dermomyotome; M, myotome. (B) Histogram representing the percentage of Myf5+ cells among the Pax3+ cells counted in cryosections equivalent to those shown in (A), with 870-960 Pax3+ cells counted from three embryos for each genotype. Error bars indicate s.e.m. 0.01<*P<0.05; 0.001<**P<0.01; versus control. (C) Comparison of wild-type Msx1+/+ and Msx1nLacZ/nLacZ (Msx1−/−) mutant embryos hybridized with an anti-sense Myf5 riboprobe. Whole mount lateral enlarged views at the forelimb level of embryos at E11.5 are shown.