Fig. 2.
GrB depletion downmodulates EMT in cancer cells. The indicated GrB positive CRC cells and CSC4 were transfected with (a) GrB-specific Stealth RNAi (siGrB) or Control Stealth (siCtr) RNAi; GrB depletion was verified by WB; EMT was investigated analyzing the expression of 3 EMT biomarkers (Snail 1, and E- and N-cadherin) by WB; β-actin was used as loading control; numbers indicate band intensities (b.i.) = band volume/area x mean pixel intensity, normalized for β-actin and quantified using Quantity One 1-D analysis software; and (b) another GrB siRNA (siGrB#2) than in (a), targeting the same gene at different sequence; the experiment was performed as in (a). Representative experiments out of at least three