Effects of glucose on the activity of isolated and non-isolated serotonergic neurons of the PeA cluster. A. The positions of the PeA cluster neurons (shaded) at the dorsal surface of the paired pedal ganglia of Lymnaea stagnalis. 18, superior pedal nerve; 20, medial pedal nerve; 24, cerebro-pedal connective; 25, pleuro-pedal connective; St, statocyst St, statocyst; A, anterior; P, posterior; L, left; R, right; Modified from Slade et al., 1981. B. The records of activity of isolated (iso) and non-isolated (in CNS) PeA neurons prior to and after bath application of glucose. C. The activity of isolated (iso) and non-isolated (in CNS) serotonergic PeA neurons [mean with standard error prior to (control) and after glucose treatment (glucose), ** p<0.01, paired Wilcoxon test].