Fig. 3.
Electron micrographs depicting amyloplast development in the developing endosperm periphery of the wild type and flo7 mutant. (A–H) Transmission electron microscope analysis of the compound starch grains of the wild type and flo7 mutant at 4 (A, B), 6 (C, D), 9 (E, F), and 12 (G, H) DAF. White arrows indicate the stroma inside the amyloplast. Bars, 1 μm. (I) Filling ratio of amyloplasts in developing wild-type and flo7 mutant endosperm at 4, 6, 9, and 12 DAF (n=40 each). Data are given as means±SD (from at least three independent samples) and were compared with wild type by Student’s t-test (**P<0.01).