Figure 3.
Gs MutY makes intimate contacts to 1N in the TSAC structure. Hydrogen bonds are indicated as dotted black lines. (A) Active site residues, Asp (D) 144 and Tyr (Y) 126, in the TSAC structure are within hydrogen-bonding distance to the N1’ atom of 1N. Water molecules (red spheres) include water c which is located 2.8 Å from N1’ of 1N. (B) Overlay of TSAC (cyan) with the substrate analog FLRC structure (green) shows water molecule c is situated on the 5′ face of the sugar ring, the same face from which adenine must depart. Water f (yellow) seen in the FLRC structure, positioned behind Asp 144 and Asn 146, was not observed in the TSAC structure. Water c’ (yellow) seen in the FLRC is closest to the position occupied by water c (red) in the TSAC, but must wait for adenine departure before access to the 5′ face.