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. 2014 Dec 31;132(4):283–292. doi: 10.1111/acps.12384

Table 1.

Overview of included neighbourhood‐level (electoral ward) socioenvironmental exposure variables*

Variable Source(s) Description
Population density Table QS103EW 2011 Census People per hectare, estimated from usual resident population size divided by ward area
% multiple deprivation Table QS119EW 2011 Census Proportion of households classified as meeting criteria for deprivation on at least two of four Census domains (employment, education, health and housing quality). See 25 for full details of Census methodology
% inequality in multiple deprivation Table QS119EW 2011 Census Estimate of disparity in % multiple deprivation at smaller geographical level (Output Area) within each electoral ward. Calculated using Gini coefficient and expressed as a proportion (0 = no inequality, 100 = perfect inequality)
% single‐person households Table KS105EW 2011 Census Proportion of single‐person households as a total of all households per ward
% single‐parent households Table KS105EW 2011 Census Proportion of single‐parent households with dependent children as a total of all households per ward
% people aged 18–35 years Table QS103EW 2011 Census Proportion of the total population per ward aged 18–35 years old as a marker of social isolation amongst young people
% own‐group ethnic density Table DC2101EW Census 2011 Proportion of total population per ward belonging to each given ethnic group
% own‐group ethnic segregation Table DC2101EW Census 2011 Extent to which each ethnic group was concentrated or dispersed across each ward [at output areas (OA)‐level], relative to all other groups. Estimated using Index of Dissimilarity 7. (0 = total integration, 100 = total segregation)
% ethnic diversity Table KS201EW Census 2011 Measure borrowed from ecology to estimate diversity 26, defined by the reciprocal diversity index, which here estimates the total number ethnic groups in a neighbourhood (N max = 18), weighted by their population size; it may range from 1 to N max and is rescaled as a proportion (0 = maximum ethnic homogeneity, 100 = maximum ethnic diversity)

*Variables estimated from the Office for National Statistic's 2011 Census of Great Britain 23.