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. 2015 Jul-Sep;28(3):193–196. doi: 10.1590/S0102-67202015000300012

TABLE 1. Clinical and anthropometric characteristics of the patients (n=69).

Variable Average Median Standard deviation [Minimum - Maximum]
Current weight (kg) 64.8 63.9 12.8 43 - 106
Height (m) 1.63 1.65 0.1 1.38 - 1.83
Age (years) 43.6 46 9.8 19 - 59
Albumin (g/dL) 3.61 3.7 0.69 1.7 - 5.4
TLC (cells/m³) 1,552.5 1,452 921 105 - 4269
AC (cm) 29.0 28.5 4.04 18.1 - 40.1
AC (%) 93.45 91.9 14.4 55.1 - 153.2
TST (mm) 17.44 17 8.39 3 - 40
TST (%) 97.0 96 36.7 25 - 233
AMC (cm) 23.5 23.9 3.2 15.3 - 32.7
AMC (%) 94.9 92.0 15.2 58.8 - 139.1

TLC=total lymphocyte count; AC=arm circumference; AC (%)=% adequacy of the arm circumference; TST=triceps skinfold thickness; TST (%)=% adequacy of the triceps skinfold thickness; AMC=arm muscle circumference; AMC (%)=% adequacy of the arm muscle circumference