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. 2015 Oct 20;5(2):99–105. doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2015.186

Table 2. Attitude of the Iranian Oncologists (N = 52) Towards Cancer Drugs’ Costs and Cost-Effectiveness, 2014 .

Question Percent Stating
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
The costs of new cancer drugs currently influence my decisions regarding which cancer treatments to recommend for my patients 62 30 0 8 0
The costs of new cancer drugs currently influence my patients’ ability to access treatments. 63 33 0 4 0
Patient “out-of-pocket” drug costs currently influence my decisions regarding which cancer treatments to recommend for my patients. 56 38 2 4 0
Patient “out-of-pocket” drug costs currently influence my patients’ ability to access treatments. 63 35 2 0 0
I feel well-prepared to interpret and use cost-effectiveness information in my treatment decisions. 30 40 17 13 0
Every Iranian patient should have access to effective cancer treatments regardless of their cost. 21 39 20 16 4
Every Iranian patient should have access to effective cancer treatments only if the treatments provide “good value for money” or are cost-effective. 46 28 13 11 2
Percent Frequency (N = 52)
How often do you discuss the costs of new cancer treatments with your patients?
Always 29
Frequently 62
Occasionally 6
Rarely 1
Never 2

Since we used the Berry et al22 study questionnaire in our study, therefore, the statements in the table are the same as those presented in their study.