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. 2016 Jan 1;12(2):210–218. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.13057

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Diabetes in 3 models induces CXCL1 in some podocytes. (A) There is no CXCL1 staining in PGFP podocytes (upper row) but CXCL1 stains some podocytes in an OVE-GFP glomerulus (middle row). The bottom row shows expansion of the region enclosed by a rectangle in the middle row. CXCL1 staining is most intense in podocytes with weak GFP fluorescence and weak in podocytes with strong GFP fluorescence. All PGFP and OVE-GFP mice are on FVB background. STZ (B) and dbdb (C) diabetes also induced CXCL1 in some but not all podocytes. In the top row of panel B diabetes was induced in PGFP mice on the C57BL6 background using multiple low dose STZ. The next row is control, without STZ injection. Podocytes are indicated by GFP fluorescence from the PGFP transgene. Panel C shows glomeruli from dbdb diabetic and db non-diabetic mice on FVB background. Podocytes are indicated by synaptopodin staining. CXCL1 staining is red, podocytes are green from GFP or synaptopodin staining. Confocal images were made using a 63X objective. The scale for images on each row is shown in the MERGE image on the right.