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. 2016 Jan 1;12(2):210–218. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.13057

Table 2.

Process Networks most enriched in genes up 3-fold (p<0.05) in OVE-GFP podocytes.a

Rank Process Network Network Objects Increased 3X / Total Network Size P- Value Network Objects Increased 3X
1 Inflammation_Complement system 7/73 0.00 Clusterin, C5AR, C3dg, C3, iC3b, C3a, C3b
2 Cell adhesion_Cell junctions 7/162 0.00 Occludin, Desmoglein 2, Claudin-7, Keratin 18, Keratin 8/18, E-cadherin, Keratin 8
3 Cytoskeleton_Intermediate filaments 5/81 0.00 NEFL, NEFM, Keratin 18, Keratin 8/18, Keratin 8
4 Inflammation_Innate inflammatory response 7/181 0.00 C5AR, β-defensin 1, IL-1F6, C3, C3a, C3b, COX-2 (PTGS2)
5 Chemotaxis 7/137 0.00 Gα(q)-GPCRs, Gα(i)-GPCRs, C5AR, Osteopontin, CXCL1, CXCL16, CXCL2
6 Immune response Phagocytosis 6/222 0.00 APOB, C3, C3b, C3dq, iC3b, LDL
7 Development Neurogenesis Axonal Guidance 6/230 0.02 Calcyclin, NEFL, NEFM, Neuropilin-1, Semaphorin 3C, SPOCK2
8 Immune response Phagosome in antigen presentation 6/243 0.02 C3, C3dq, Cathepsin S, HLA-DQA1, iC3b, MHC classII
9 Development Cartilage development 3/66 0.02 Activin beta A, Collagen XII, MGP
10 Cell adhesion_Leucocyte chemotaxis 6/205 0.03 Gα(q)-GPCRs, Gα(i)-GPCRs, MHC class II, CXCL1,CXCL16

a Process Networks are network models created by Metacore of main cellular processes based on GO-processes and pathway maps. The P-value column indicates the probability calculated by Metacore software of obtaining the degree of overlap between the set of objects in the Network and the set of OVE-GFP genes increased 3 fold.