AAV-Gfa2-VIVIT protects against the loss of synaptic proteins. A–C, Representative Western blots and mean ± SD levels (D–F) for hippocampal synaptic proteins in the contralateral and ipsilateral hemispheres of rats treated with AAV-Gfa2-EGFP (CT) or AAV-Gfa2-VIVIT. Protein levels in D–F are from the ipsilateral hemisphere and are expressed as the percentage change from the contralateral hemisphere. The percentage change in the ipsilateral versus contralateral hemisphere of sham controls are also provided. Levels for PSD95 and GluR1 showed significant reductions in the ipsilateral hemisphere of AAV-Gfa2-EGFP rats, *p < 0.05 ipsilateral versus contralateral, Fisher's PLSD test, but not in the ipsilateral hemisphere of VIVIT-treated rats. Although Syn1 was not significantly reduced with injury, protein levels in the ipsilateral hemisphere were significantly increased by pretreatment with AAV-Gfa2-VIVIT. *p < 0.05 ipsilateral versus contralateral, Fisher's PLSD test, n = 5–6 rats per group.