Figure 5.
Increased flight behavior occurrence after social defeat stress. Temporal evolution of speed superimposed with the raster plot of behavioral events in one representative control (A) and defeated (B) animals. Flight behavior was scored when an abrupt increase in animal's velocity take place when moving from the interaction zone to the corners. Right panels depict video tracking data for control (A) and defeated (B) animals during the social condition. The tracks within the corners and interaction zone areas are shown in yellow and blue, respectively. (C,D) Animal's positions and the respective time-course of a typical approach followed by flight behavior (dashed line in B). (E) Flight incidence in control and defeated animals. (F) Number of flights over time during the social session. Only animals with at least one flight were considered (Controls: N = 6; Defeated: N = 24). P < 0.001, Chi-square test. *P < 0.01, control vs. defeated in the same time bin; #P < 0.01, in comparison to the 150-s bin, same group. Data points of the control and defeated groups are slightly shifted for clarity purposes.