(A) Heat map showing expression of NOTCH genes in the
following thyroid cancers, compared to normal thyroid tissues. Lane 1,
follicular variant PTC (11); Lane 2, tall
cell variant PTC (11); Lane 3, follicular
carcinoma (11); Lane 4, oncocytic
follicular carcinoma (11); Lane 5, PTC
(11); Lane 6, undifferentiated
(anaplastic) carcinoma (11); Lane 7, PTC
(18); Lane 8, PTC (12). Heat map represents the median
percentile rank for a given gene across each of the analyses. Data source:
GSE27155 (11) (B)
HEY2 mRNA levels were determined in seven PTC
vs. their paired normal tissues, and displayed for relative
probe intensities (count) and percentile ranks (%) within the sample.
Data source: GSE3678. (C) qRT-PCR assays showing
HEY2 mRNA levels in the normal vs. tumor
samples of panel (B). (D,E) NOTCH Inhibition in BCPAP
cells using DAPT (60 and 120 nM) (D) or two different siRNAs
against NOTCH1 (E) for 48 hours resulted in PROX1 upregulation in
BCPAP. (F,G) HEY1 and HEY2 synergistically downregulate PROX1.
Expressions of HEY1 and/or HEY2 were inhibited by their corresponding siRNA in
BCPAP cells (F) and TPC1 cells (G). After 48 hours,
PROX1 expression was determined by qRT-PCR (F) or western blot
(G) analyses. Error bars present standard deviations. *,
p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01;
***, p < 0.001.