Figure 4.
Inhibiting the endosomal Rab switch in sorf-1 or sorf-2 mutants leads to formation of gigantic early endosomes. (A) Early endosomes (2xFYVE::GFP-vesicles) are enlarged in hypodermal cells in double mutants of rab-7(ok511) with sorf-1(tm3855) or sorf-2(tm5210). (B and C) Early endosomes, labeled with 2xFYVE::GFP, are enlarged in coelomocytes of double mutants of rab-7(ok511) (B) or sand-1(ok1963) (C) with sorf-1(tm3855) and sorf-2(tm5210). The lysosomal protein CUP-5 is tagged with mCherry (mCh::CUP-5). (D) Early endosomes are enlarged in coelomocytes of double mutants of tbc-2(tm2241) with sorf-1(tm3855) or sorf-2(tm5210) but not with sand-1(ok1963). (E) Proportion of cells with enlarged 2xFYVE::GFP-positive endosomes (diameter >5 µm). ≥70 coelomocytes from ≥70 animals (one cell/animal) were scored for each genotype. Data are from three independent experiments. **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. (F) Time course of endosomal trafficking of TR-BSA in coelomocytes of rab-7 RNAi–treated animals. Bars, 5 µm.