Fig. 1.
Evaluating median TIN score (medTIN) metric using RIN and gene body read coverage. a Scatterplot showing correlation between the medTIN and the corresponding RIN score for 12 GBM samples. Black dashed line is the linear regression line fitted to data. b Scatterplot showing correlation between the medTIN and the corresponding RIN score for 120 mCRPC samples. Black dashed line is the linear regression line fitted to data. c Gene body coverage profiles for 12 GBM samples. Samples were ranked from top to bottom on the y-axis in the decreasing order of medTIN. Numbers in parentheses are the corresponding RIN scores. d Gene body coverage profiles for 120 mCRPC samples. Samples were ranked from top to bottom on the y-axis in the decreasing order of medTIN. r stands for Pearson’s correlation coefficient; ρ stands for Spearman’s correlation coefficient