Table 2.
ATTReuNET-recommended diagnosis of nonendemic (usually late-onset) TTR-FAP: Key points of note
Typical clinical features of later disease (average 4 years post onset; the usual delay for diagnosis) |
Progressive idiopathic polyneuropathy |
Early walking difficulties, using aid support |
Initial complaint: [20] |
Sensory-motor neuropathic symptoms (80%) |
Autonomic symptoms (10%) |
Examination: All modality sensory deficit |
Presence of family history (less than 50%) |
Autonomic neuropathy without diabetes (uncommon at the onset) |
Neurogenic orthostatic hypotension |
Digestive symptoms (e.g., diarrhoea, constipation) |
Urogenital symptoms (e.g., erectile dysfunction) |
Unintentional major weight loss |
Associated cardiac symptomatology (syncope, dyspnoea) |
Diagnosis |
DNA testing for TTR mutation (sequencing) first line in the future |
Tissue biopsy confirms amyloid deposition |
ATTReuNET, European Network for TTR-FAP; TTR, transthyretin; TTR-FAP, transthyretin familial amyloid polyneuropathy.