Fig. 3.
MEG sensor-space effect of change type (in the scene size four condition). A) Time-course of the RMS of the change-evoked response. Thick horizontal lines indicate time points for which there were significant increases in RMS for CA versus NC conditions (in red) or CD versus NC (in blue; p < .05 FWE corrected at the cluster level). Also shown are the topographical patterns around the time of each peak in the RMS time-course (text above topographies indicates the time-windows over which the MEG signal was averaged). The cM50 and cM200 topographies are characterized by a dipole-like pattern over the temporal region in each hemisphere (red = source; blue = sink), indicating upward flowing current in auditory cortex. The cM100 topography is characterized by an opposite sink-source pattern (current flowing downward). B) Latency of divergence between CA and NC conditions (in red) or between CD and NC (in blue). C) MEG time-course averaged separately over sensors showing positive or negative signal at the time of the M50/cM50 component. Thick horizontal lines indicate between-condition differences, thresholded at p < .05 uncorrected at the cluster level.