Fig. S5.
Red lines delineate the area of the Pampas considered in this paper, which is the area of southeastern South America that comprised a grassland-steppe ecosystem during the Last Glacial Maximum (41). Green dots show the provenance of paleoclimate proxy data that indicate a shift in vegetation and climate in various regions, which took place at somewhat different times over ∼2,000 y beginning ∼12,000 y ago, as explained in the Pampas Region section. Details of the environmental interpretation at each site are given in the following references: ref. 45 (site 1, Pay Paso); ref. 44 (site 2, Los Ajos); ref. 49 (site 3, Arroyo Sauce Chico; site 4, Empalme Querandies; site 5, Cerro La China); and ref. 43 (site 6, Sauce Grandé; site 7, La Horqueta II; site 8, Napostá Grande). Black dots show sites that have yielded Notiomastodon (52), although very few of these specimens have been radiocarbon-dated. Abbreviations for environmental conditions in the late Pleistocene are as follows: HP, Humid Pampas; IP, Inland Pampas; SP, Southern Pampas; XW, xerophytic woodland.