Table 1. Species included in the Northeast Fisheries Climate Vulnerability Assessment.
Assigned functional group, common name, and scientific name of the 82 fish and invertebrate species included in the Northeast Fisheries Climate Vulnerability Assessment.
Group | Common Name | Scientific Name |
Coastal Fish | Atlantic Croaker | Micropogonias undulates |
Coastal Fish | Atlantic Menhaden | Brevoortia tyrannus |
Coastal Fish | Black Sea Bass | Centropristis striata |
Coastal Fish | Northern Kingfish | Menticirrhus saxatilis |
Coastal Fish | Red Drum | Sciaenops ocellatus |
Coastal Fish | Scup | Stenotomus chrysops |
Coastal Fish | Spanish Mackerel | Scomberomorus maculatus |
Coastal Fish | Spot | Leiostomus xanthurus |
Coastal Fish | Spotted Seatrout | Cynoscion nebulosus |
Coastal Fish | Striped Bass | Morone saxatilis |
Coastal Fish | Summer Flounder | Paralichthys dentatus |
Coastal Fish | Tautog | Tautoga onitis |
Coastal Fish | Weakfish | Cynoscion regalis |
Coastal Fish | Winter Flounder | Pseudopleuronectes americanus |
Diadromous Fish | Alewife | Alosa pseudoharengus |
Diadromous Fish | Conger Eel | Anguilla oceanica |
Diadromous Fish | American Eel | Anguilla rostrata |
Diadromous Fish | American Shad | Alosa sapidissima |
Diadromous Fish | Atlantic Salmon | Salmo salar |
Diadromous Fish | Atlantic Sturgeon | Acipenser oxyrhynchus |
Diadromous Fish | Blueback Herring | Alosa aestivalis |
Diadromous Fish | Hickory Shad | Alosa mediocris |
Diadromous Fish | Rainbow Smelt | Osmerus mordax |
Diadromous Fish | Shortnose Sturgeon | Acipenser brevirostrum |
Elasmobranchs | Barndoor Skate | Dipturus laevis |
Elasmobranchs | Clearnose Skate | Raja eglanteria |
Elasmobranchs | Dusky Shark | Carcharhinus obscurus |
Elasmobranchs | Little Skate | Leucoraja erinacea |
Elasmobranchs | Porbeagle | Lamna nasus |
Elasmobranchs | Rosette Skate | Leucoraja garmani |
Elasmobranchs | Sand Tiger | Carcharias taurus |
Elasmobranchs | Smooth Dogfish | Mustelus canis |
Elasmobranchs | Smooth Skate | Malacoraja senta |
Elasmobranchs | Spiny Dogfish | Squalus acanthias |
Elasmobranchs | Thorny Skate | Amblyraja radiata |
Elasmobranchs | Winter Skate | Leucoraja ocellata |
Groundfish | Acadian Redfish | Sebastes fasciatus |
Groundfish | American Plaice | Hippoglossoides platessoides |
Groundfish | Atlantic Cod | Gadus morhua |
Groundfish | Atlantic Hagfish | Myxine glutinosa |
Groundfish | Atlantic Halibut | Hippoglossus hippoglossus |
Groundfish | Atlantic Wolffish | Anarhichas lupus |
Groundfish | Cusk | Brosme brosme |
Groundfish | Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus |
Groundfish | Monkfish (Goosefish) | Lophius americanus |
Groundfish | Ocean Pout | Zoarces americanus |
Groundfish | Offshore Hake | Merluccius albidus |
Groundfish | Pollock | Pollachius virens |
Groundfish | Red Hake | Urophycis chuss |
Groundfish | Silver Hake | Merluccius bilinearis |
Groundfish | Tilefish | Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps |
Groundfish | White Hake | Urophycis tenuis |
Groundfish | Windowpane | Scophthalmus aquosus |
Groundfish | Witch Flounder | Glyptocephalus cynoglossus |
Groundfish | Yellowtail Flounder | Limanda ferruginea |
Pelagic Fish and Cephalopods | Anchovies | Anchoa hepsetus / Anchoa mitchilli |
Pelagic Fish and Cephalopods | Atlantic Herring | Clupea harengus |
Pelagic Fish and Cephalopods | Atlantic Mackerel | Scomber scombrus |
Pelagic Fish and Cephalopods | Atlantic Saury | Scomberesox saurus |
Pelagic Fish and Cephalopods | Bluefish | Pomatomus saltatrix |
Pelagic Fish and Cephalopods | Butterfish | Peprilus triacanthus |
Pelagic Fish and Cephalopods | Longfin Inshore Squid | Doryteuthis pealeii |
Pelagic Fish and Cephalopods | Sand Lances | Ammodytes americanus & Ammodytes dubius |
Pelagic Fish and Cephalopods | Northern Shortfin Squid | Illex illecebrosus |
Benthic Invertebrates | American Lobster | Homarus americanus |
Benthic Invertebrates | Atlantic Sea Scallop | Placopecten magellanicus |
Benthic Invertebrates | Atlantic Surfclam | Spisula solidissima |
Benthic Invertebrates | Bay Scallop | Argopecten irradians |
Benthic Invertebrates | Bloodworm | Glycera dibranchiata |
Benthic Invertebrates | Blue Crab | Callinectes sapidus |
Benthic Invertebrates | Blue Mussel | Mytilus edulis |
Benthic Invertebrates | Cancer Crabs | Cancer borealis / Cancer irroratus |
Benthic Invertebrates | Channeled Whelk | Busycotypus canaliculatus |
Benthic Invertebrates | Deep-sea Red Crab | Chaceon quinquedens |
Benthic Invertebrates | Eastern Oyster | Crassostrea virginica |
Benthic Invertebrates | Green Sea Urchin | Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis |
Benthic Invertebrates | Horseshoe Crab | Limulus polyphemus |
Benthic Invertebrates | Knobbed Whelk | Busycon carica |
Benthic Invertebrates | Northern Shrimp | Pandalus borealis |
Benthic Invertebrates | Ocean Quahog | Arctica islandica |
Benthic Invertebrates | Northern Quahog | Mercenaria mercenaria |
Benthic Invertebrates | Softshell Clam | Mya arenaria |