(A) Effect of the AKT inhibitor MK-2206 treatment on targets of the PI3 kinase pathway in E8.5 embryos. Western blot of the two phosphorylated forms of AKT and pS6 S240/4 in WT and Pten △Epi at E8.5 in control embryos (vehicle) and after 24 or 48 hr of MK-2206 treatment in utero prior to embryo dissection. Numbers indicate approximate MW. (B) Dorsal view (inset) and enlarged image of the cephalic region of E8.5 wild-type and Pten △Epi embryos. There is no change in the morphology of the mutant heads after 24 or 48 hr of MK-2206 treatment in utero. Scale bar = 120 μm. (C) The apical surface of the neural plate, viewed en face. Cell borders marked by expression of ZO1 (white) (top row); acetylated tubulin (green) in transverse sections of cephalic neural epithelium in wild type and Pten △Epi at E8.5 after 24 or 48 hr of MK-2206 treatment in utero. Blue is DAPI. Scale bar = 10 μm. (D) Height of the E8.5 cephalic neural plate. Wild type, untreated (control) = 44.9 ± 5.7 μm; WT 48 hr treatment = 46.5 ± 9.9 μm; MK-2206 treatment had no significant effect. Pten △Epi untreated (control) = 32.4 ± 7.3 μm; Pten △Epi 24 hr = 33.9 ± 6.8 μm2; Pten △Epi 48 hr = 30.3 ± 7.5 μm. Treated and untreated mutants were all significantly shorter than wild type, but MK-2206 treatment did not significantly rescue cell elongation in the mutant. (E) Apical surface area of E8.5 cephalic neuroepithelial cells. Control = 8 ± 5 μm2; WT 48 hr = 7 ± 4 μm2; Pten △Epi Control = 14 ± 9 μm2; Pten △Epi 24 hr = 13 ± 9 μm2; Pten △Epi 48 hr = 14 ± 10 μm2. Treated and untreated mutant cells all had significantly larger surface area than wild type, but MK-2206 treatment did not significantly decrease cell surface area in the mutant.