Table 2.
CD28 in regulation of cytoskeleton dynamics at the immunological synapse.
Cytoskeletal regulator | CD28-induced modification | Effect on cytoskeleton | Reference |
Vav1 | Phosphorylation, leading to activation | Vav1 controls activity of small Rho GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 that regulate actin polymerization activity of WASP and WAVE2, respectively | Nunes et al. (102), Raab et al. (104), Salazar-Fontana et al. (103), Schneider and Rudd (106) |
Filamin A | Direct interaction with CD28, phosphorylation | Filamin A has a role in actin crosslinking | Muscolini et al. (111), Tavano et al. (108) |
Cofilin | Dephosphorylation, leading to activation | Actin severing protein. Blocking cofilin–actin interaction reduces T cell:APC conjugation | Lee et al. (119), Wabnitz et al. (120) |
Rltpr | Unknown | Actin-uncapping protein. Wild-type Rltpr is required for CD28-dependent costimulation, but this seems to be independent of its actin-uncapping function | Liang et al. (113) |
CapZIP | Phosphorylation | Actin-uncapping protein. CapZIP is required for CD28-dependent costimulation, but its effect on T cell cytoskeleton are unknown | Tian et al. (110) |