A-E: Van Gieson stain (400x magnification) of 30-day old mouse aortic grafts (n = 7) after heterotopic infrarenal transplantation. Untreated WT (A) and Ad.hTIMP-1 treated WT (E) show intact elastin layers (1.4 and 0.1 breaks per view field). Native mgR/mgR marfan grafts (B, 12.3 breaks) as well as Ad.β-Gal. (C, 14.7 breaks) and Ad.hTIMP-1 (D, 12.1 breaks) transduced mgR/mgR marfan grafts present severe elastolysis within the aortic media. F: Mean number of elastin breaks within the aortic media (n = 7, counted at 400x magnification): Compared to untreated mgR/mgR and Ad.β-Gal transduced mgR/mgR aortas elastin degradtation was not reduced by andeoviral transduction of Ad.hTIMP-1 (p = 0.902 and p = 0.383). WT, wildtype aorta; mgR/mgR, Marfan aorta; Ad.β-Gal, treated with adenovirus coding for β- galactosidase; Ad.hTIMP-1, treated with adenovirus coding for human TIMP-1. *p-value ≤0.05; ** p-value ≤0.001, calculated using Mann-Whitney-U-Test.