(A) (I) The percentage of ESZscan4_Em cells was assessed on ESCs cultured for 3 days in: RM+DMSO; RM supplemented with RA; RA plus BMS493; BMS753, and UVI2060. The mean % ESZscan4_Em cells ± SD of two independent experiments is shown. (II) The mRNA expression levels were assessed on ESCs treated with RA and RA plus BMS493 by qRT-PCR and normalized to RM+DMSO condition. The average and SD of duplicate samples from each of three independent biological replicates are shown: *, p < .05; **, p < .01; ***, p < .001, in a Student’s t test. B (I) The mRNA expression levels were assessed on ESCs treated with BMS753 by qRT-PCR and normalized to RM+DMSO condition. The average and SD of duplicate samples from each of three independent biological replicates are shown: **, p < .01; ***, p < .001, in a Student’s t test. (II) The mRNA expression levels were assessed on ESCs treated with UVI2060 by qRT-PCR and normalized to RM+DMSO condition. The average and SD of duplicate samples from each of three independent biological replicates are shown: *, p < .05; ***, p < .001, in a Student’s t test.