Figure 1. Binding of the SUVH5 SRA domain to the fully-5 mCG, fully-5 hmCG, hemi-5 hmCG, fully-5 caCG and fully-5 fCG-containing duplex DNAs.
The thermodynamic data are provided in Table 1. (A) The flow-chart represents the methylation of cytosine by the DNMT1 and Dnmt3a/3b methyltransferases and the sequential oxidation of 5 mC to 5 caC by the Tet family of enzymes in mammals. (B) ITC measurements of the binding of the SUVH5 SRA domain to the fully-5 mCG DNA. The measured binding parameters are KD = 1.20 μM and N = 0.48. The sequence of the CG duplex DNA used in the ITC binding study is listed above each panel. (C) ITC measurements of the binding of the SUVH5 SRA domain to the fully-5 hmCG DNA. The measured binding parameters are KD = 1.50 μM and N = 0.52. (D) ITC measurements of the binding of the SUVH5 SRA domain to the hemi-5 hmCG DNA. The measured KD = 7.6 μM. (E) ITC measurements of the binding of the SUVH5 SRA domain to the fully-5 caCG DNA. The measured KD ~ 150.0 μM. (F) SUVH5 SRA binding to fully-5 fCG is endothermic. The measured KD ~ 125.0 μM.