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. 2016 Feb 4;6:20161. doi: 10.1038/srep20161

Table 2. Summary of the X-ray diffraction data and structure refinement statistics.

Crystal SUVH5 SRA-fully-5 hmCG CG DNA
Beam Line BNL-X29
Wavelength (Å) 1.0718
Space group P42212
Unit Cell
 a, b, c (Å) 76.98, 76.98, 72.11
Resolution (Å) 30-2.60 (2.69-2.60)a
Rsym 0.05 (0.79)a
I/σ (I) 35.5 (2.4)a
Completeness (%) 98.8 (99.1)a
Redundancy 4.6 (4.1)a
Number of unique reflections 7060
Rwork/Rfree (%) 23.4/28.2
Number of non-H atoms
 Protein 1133
 DNA 204
 Water 16
 Magnesium 3
Average B factors (Å2)
 Protein 69.2
 DNA 63.9
 Water 68.1
 Magnesium 73.9
R.M.S deviations
 Bond lengths (Å) 0.003
 Bond angles (o) 0.61

aThe value for the highest resolution shell is shown in parentheses.