Figure 2. KDM4B binds with AR and activates AR-mediated transcription in MFE-296 EC cells.
A. KDM4B knockdown was confirmed by qRT-PCR and Western blotting in MFE-296 cells. β-actin was used as a loading control. B. MFE-296 cells were transiently transfected with either negative control (NC) or KDM4B (siKDM4B) siRNA in steroid-depleted media and treated with 100 nM DHT for up to 24 h before RNA extraction. qRT-PCR was used to assess c-myc mRNA expression. C. KDM4B silencing inhibited c-myc mRNA expression in MFE-296 cells, whereas knockdown of other KDM4 enzymes didn't affect c-myc expression. D. MFE-296 cells grown in serum-containing media were subject to co-IP using anti-AR, anti-KDM4B, or control antibodies before Western blotting using reciprocal antibodies. All experiments were performed two or more times, and data represent the mean fold change ± SE.