Figure 5. AMPK signaling in U87 GSCs and U251 GSCs upon TMZ and MET combinatorial treatment.
A. U87 GSCs was treated with TMZ (200 μM), MET(10 mM) and cultured for different time points (0, 12, 24, 48 hours) or treated with different doses of TMZ (0, 100, 200, and 400 μM), MET (0, 5, 10 and 20 mM) and cultured for 48 hours, AMPK and β-actin were detected by Western blotting. B. U87 GSCs and D. U251 GSCs were treated with TMZ (200 μM), MET (10 mM), compound C (2 μM) or their combination for 48 hours, AMPK, ACC and β-actin were detected by Western blotting. C, E. Cell viability was detected by CCK-8 assay (*P < 0.05, TMZ vs TMZ+compound C; Δ*P < 0.05, TMZ + MET+compound C vs TMZ, MET, TMZ+compound C, MET+compound C; NS: no significant); The apoptosis cells were quantified (percentage) using an annexin V- FITC/PI apoptosis detection kit (*P < 0.05, TMZ vs TMZ+compound C; Δ*P < 0.05, TMZ + MET+compound C vs TMZ, MET, TMZ+compound C, MET+compound C; NS: no significant).