Figure 9. Reduced metaplasia is associated with depletion of CD11b+Gr-1+ double-positive cells in the esophagus and SCJ metaplasia of K14-Cdx2::L2-IL-1β transgenic mice.
We quantified levels of the double-positive CD11b+Gr-1+ in the esophagus and SCJ metaplasia. All cells were 7AAD−and CD45+ in addition to the specific cell surface marker. A, B. A sample FACS experiment demonstrating the significant reduction in CD11b+ Gr-1+ double positive cells within the infiltrating CD45+ population of the (B) esophagi and C. SCJ metaplasia of K14-Cdx2::L2-IL-1β mice when compared to L2-IL-1β mice, one of 5 experiments shown. (C) Graphical representation of multiple FACS measures from the esophagus and SCJ metaplasia of 3 to 5 L2-IL-1β and K14-Cdx2::L2-IL-1β mice each. Blue circle: L2-IL-1β mice. Red squares: K14-Cdx2::L2-IL-1β transgenic mice. The flow cytometry percentages were Log transformed for statistical analysis (p values determined by unpaired two-tailed T-test, ns : non-significant, p < 0.05) and graphing.