Figure 4. Effect of C-PAC on cell-cycle, P53, PI3K/AKT/mTOR, p38/MAPK and cell-death associated proteins in EAC cell lines.
JHAD1, OE33 and OE19 EAC cells were treated with C-PAC [50 μg/ml] or vehicle and lysates isolated at pretreatment or baseline and at 6, 24 and 48 hours following treatment. Immunoblot was performed using commercially available antibodies to proteins of interest. Expression values were normalized to the appropriate loading control, GAPDH or HSP60, and a fold change from baseline or first detection calculated based on two independent experiments. Positive fold change values indicate increased expression and negative values reflect decreased expression, except for BCL-xL. The top or deamidated BCL-xL band was quantified as a percentage of the total species to differentiate between the molecules pro- and anti-apoptotic characteristics. Effects of C-PAC treatment on the expression of a panel of A. cell-cycle regulatory molecules; B. P53 family members; C. MAPK signaling molecules; D. Pro- and anti-apoptotic markers; and E. PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling molecules.