Figure 5. Migration and invasiveness of high-risk superficial bladder cancer (BC) cells following modulation of caldesmon (CAD) expression.
A. Western blot analyses of CAD are shown in 5637 BC cells transfected with CAD-specific small interfering RNA (siCAD) and scrambled sequence control siRNA (siCTL) or vector-overexpressing exogenous CAD transcript variant 2 (pCADv2) and its control vector (Vector). B. and C. Migration and invasion of 5637 cells after knockdown and overexpression of CAD are shown. (B) Representative images are shown from 3 independent experiments. The migrating and invading cells were examined using a Nikon Eclipse E400 microscope at 200× magnification. (C) The average number of migrating and invading cells per field of view (200×) was determined for each experimental group. The data were obtained from 5 randomly selected fields and the mean values are shown (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01). D. Fluorescent phalloidin staining for actin in 5637 BC cells following transfection with the pCADv2 overexpression vector. Regular intracellular distributions of actin were noted in 5637 BC cells (upper column), whereas irregular patterns of cellular morphology and cytoskeletal redistribution were observed in CAD-overexpressing cells (lower column). CAD, actin cytoskeleton, and DAPI were detected as green, red, and blue fluorescence, respectively. Scale bar = 20 μm.