A. The representative image by the high-content microscopic system was transformed and analyzed by MetaXpress software. Scale bar: 22 μm. B. CL1–0 cells transduced with control vectors or mitEGFR plasmids, and mitoDsRed were reseeded in μ-plate 96-well, and stained with CFSE and Hoechst 33342. The images were acquired by the high-content screening system. The mitochondrial length of each groups were analyzed. The images were acquired in 25 different areas in 96-well dish, 6 wells per group. The cell number of the control group and mitEGFR group was 826 and 729, respectively. The right panel showed that the cell populations were categorized into the tubular, and fragmented morphology, according to the mitochondrial length and morphology. C. H1299 cells were treated with 40 ng/ml of EGF at 37°C for the indicated time, and the cells were used for analysis of the mitochondrial length with the high-content microscopy. The cell number of 5 groups was 756, 1336, 1205, 1145, and 719, respectively. In all the panels mean ± s.d. is shown, ***P < 0.0001 by Student's t-test.