Figure 5. Conditioned medium of JDP2-expressing BMDCs promotes invasion and migration.
A–B. BMDCs of wild-type and JDP2−/− mice were cultured for 24 h to generate conditioned medium (CM). The migration and invasion properties of LLC cells were assessed in the presence of CM using the Boyden chamber assay. Cells invading (Inv) or migrating (Mig) through the membrane were stained with crystal violet and images were captured (A). The percentage of cell coverage per field was quantified (n > 8 fields/group) (B). C–D. The invasion properties of PyMT cells were assessed in the presence of CM derived from wild-type and JDP2−/− BMDC cultures by the modified Boyden chamber assay, as described in (A–B) E–F. PyMT cell motility was assessed by migration closure assay in the presence of CM derived from wild-type and JDP2−/− BMDC cultures. Serum-free and serum-rich medium were used as negative and positive controls (NC and PC), respectively. Gap closure was monitored over time. Representative images are shown when 50% of the gap was closed (E). The time necessary to achieve 50% gap closure is shown (n > 11/group) (F). *p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001 of a one way ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc test when a comparison between more than two groups was performed, and unpaired student t-test when comparison between two groups was performed.