Extended Data Figure 1. Generation of iPSCs from patients with BD and healthy people.
a, Human fibroblasts generated from punch biopsy. b, The iPSC colonies appeared after fibroblasts were reprogrammed using the Sendai virus. c, Purified iPSC colonies were cultured in Matrigel-coated plate. d, Immunostaining of iPSCs with DAPI and pluripotency markers Nanog and TRA-1-60. e, RT–PCR results showing that the introduced Sendai virus genes were cleared from the generated iPSCs. f, RT–PCR results showing that the generated iPSCs expressed human pluripotency markers NANOG, LIN28, OCT4, TDGF and cMYC. g, Representative karyotyping image of generated iPSCs showing normal chromosomal structure. h–j, Bar graphs of quantitative RT–PCR showing that the iPSCs can randomly differentiate into cells expressing the markers for endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm. Data are representative for a total of 20 iPS cell lines from 10 patients (2 clones per patient). Scale bar, 50 μm. Bars, mean ±s.e.m.