Figure 7. Tubulin modifications and septins control CLIP-170 and MCAK recruitment to the microtubules of Tr cells independently from EB1.
A. Inhibition by RNAi of retyrosination or polyglutamylation enzymes or of septins alters CLIP-170 and MCAK recruitment to the MTs of Tr cells, but not that of EB1. B. Septin recruitment to the MTs of Tr cells and the level of polyglutamylated tubulin are not altered by the inhibition of CLIP-170 or MCAK. C. Contrasting with CLIP-170 or MCAK RNAi alone, the knockdown of both +TIPs restores chemosensitivity. D. Overexpression in Ts cells of TTL, TTLL5 (branching polyglutamylase), TTLL11 (elongating polyglutamylase) and of the components of Tr septin filaments makes cell resist ~10 nM Taxol®.