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. 2015 Oct 3;6(34):36098–36112. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.5553

Table 2. MicroRNA altered by radiation exposure in mice progeny spermatozoa as detected by microarray and volcano-plot analyses.

microRNA Fold variation (Exposed/Control) Biological function
miR-29c* 0.47 role in spermatogenesis; induce apoptosis through increasing Bax/Bcl-2 ratio
miR-30c 2.63 regulate myogenic differentiation
miR-30e 2.34 induce apoptosis
miR34c* 2.00 role in spermatogenesis
miR-92a 0.48 prevent endothelial dysfunction in mice
miR-98 2.29 involved in rat embryo implantation; inhibit cell proliferation
miR-99b 2.08 promote apoptosis
miR-122* 2.24 role in spermatogenesis
miR-124 3.33 tumour suppressor; regulate glucocorticoid sensitivity
miR-135a* 2.04 role in spermatogenesis
miR-144 0.41 targets PTEN
miR-145 2.01 tumour suppressor
miR-147 2.43 regulate murine macrophage inflammatory responses
miR-181a 0.46 promote osteoclast survival
miR-183 3.45 promote cell proliferation
miR-196a 2.14 oncomir
miR-326 0.45 tumour suppressor; regulate dopamine receptor D2 expression
miR-338 0.48 regulate osteogenic differentiation in mice
miR-341 0.45 involved in early development of mice
miR-346 2.02 involved in immune response
miR-361 2.04 tumour suppressor
miR-363 2.42 regulate endothelial cell properties and their communication with hematopoietic precursor cells
miR-425 3.03 regulate production of atrial natriuretic peptide
miR-433 2.83 inhibit cell migration and proliferation
miR-449c* 2.01 role in spermatogenesis
miR-450a 2.63 Not available
miR-465a 2.46 involved in ovarian development, folliculogenesis and female fertility
miR-466a 0.45 role in osmoregulation through Nfat5
miR-466f 0.33 role in osmoregulation through Nfat5; pro-apoptotic role
miR-466 h 0.34
miR-466i 0.36
miR-466q 0.36
miR-471 0.49 Not available
miR-500 2.12 liver development
miR-503 2.33 regulate osteoclastogenesis by targeting RANK
miR-532 0.40 pro-apoptotic role
miR-666 0.44 mediate osmolar changes via aquaporin-1
miR-669d 0.48 epigenetic regulators of renal Nfat5 signaling
miR-669f 0.34 involved in helper T cell hyper-proliferation
miR-669g 2.18 Not available
miR-701 2.16 Not available
miR-713 2.12 Not available
miR-714 2.05 Not available
miR-762 2.24 involved in immune response

miRNA involved in spermatogenesis

