Table 1. Patient information.
Case | Age, Sex (M/F), & dominance (R/L) | Time between injury & first operation | Nonunion site | Original hardware |
Time between repair & 2nd fracture | Secondary fracture location | Secondary procedure |
1 | 15 M R | 3.5 months | L scaphoid waist | 22-mm Acutrak Mini | 7 months | Volar proximal pole | Fixation, allografting, and autogenous vascularized bone grafting |
2 | 16 M R | 15 months | R scaphoid waist | 20-mm Acutrak II | 8 months | Volar proximal pole | Scaphoid excision, four-corner arthrodesis |
3 | 17 M L | 2.5 months | L scaphoid proximal pole | 18-mm Acutrak II Mini |
13 months | Volar proximal pole | Fixation and autogenous bone grafting |