Figure 1.
Nucleocortical Projections from the Cerebellar Interposed Nucleus
(A) Scheme and example of experimental setup showing retrograde labeling of IpN neurons following injection of Ctb tracers in the RN and lobule simplex (Sim). The rationale of the experimental setup is to illustrate the common (yellow) or separate (green and red) IpN neurons that project to RN and Sim (right).
(B) Example image of an IpN region with labeling from RN (Ctb 488, green) and Sim (Ctb 555, red).
(C) High-magnification images showing co-labeled IpN neurons.
(D) Summary chart of the retrogradely labeled neurons in IpN.
(E) Schematic showing viral injection of AAV2-hSyn-ChR2-eYFP into the left interposed nucleus.
(F) Example of AAV infected IpN (asterisk) and nucleocortical projections (arrow).
(G) Distribution of nucleocortical MF rosettes in a coronal cerebellar section.
(H and I) eYFP expressing IpN neurons (H) and nucleocortical MF projection (I) with enlarged rosette and filopodia-like structure. Asterisk indicates an MF rosette.
(J) Example (left) and summary (right, N = 3) of the nucleocortical MF (asterisks) distribution in the granular layer (between dashed lines), PCs are labeled in red.
(K) Nucleocortical MFs that express vGlut2, but not vGlut1 (arrowheads). Note the surrounding MF rosettes (asterisks) that are positive for both vGlut1 and vGlut2.