FIG 3 .
Establishment of long-term cultures (LTC) of KSHV-infected MSCs. (A and B) Cell proliferation of KSHV-infected MSCa (KMSCa) in different culture media with and without the addition of 20% FBS and with and without coating the wells with collagen, shown as cell numbers (A) and GFP images at ×40 magnification (B) at day 4 postseeding. (C) Two different shapes of LTC-KGMSC were observed: type 1 cells, with smaller sizes and millet-like shapes, and type 2 cells, with larger sizes and elongated shapes. Magnification, ×100. (D and E) LTC-KGMSC but not LTC-KDPSC had type 1 cells with millet-like shapes shown at ×40 (D) and ×100 (E) magnifications. (F) Cumulative cell population of uninfected cells and LTC-KMSCa. Uninfected MSCa (Mock) or LTC-KMSCa (KSHV) at 1.25 × 105 cells were seeded in a T25 flask and subcultured every 3 days, and live cell numbers were counted based on trypan blue exclusion.