ZMYND8 modulates RARE-harboring genes.
A, Venn diagram showing the overlap between up- and down-regulated genes in ZMYND8 knocked down and total RARE-harboring genes in HeLa cells. B, clustering and heat maps of up- and down-regulated genes in ZMYND8 knocked down and total RARE-harboring genes in HeLa cells. C, validation of microarray analysis. Bars show candidate RARE-harboring, up- and down-regulated genes after knocking down ZMYND8 in HeLa cells. 18S rRNA was used for normalization. Reference level was considered as 1. At least three separate experiments were done. Error bars show standard deviation. D, gene regulatory network for differentially expressed genes in ZMYND8 knocked down and total RARE-harboring genes in HeLa cells. Genes are in ellipses, and processes are in rectangles, and miRNAs are triangular in shape. The genes whose regulation are opposite in the two networks are bordered in black. Green denotes down-regulation, and red denotes up-regulation. The color shade of nodes differs due to their fold change. The size of the nodes is as per their p value which is <0.05.