Figure 3. SOX2 suppresses CDKN1A in human lung SCC cells.
(A) Immunoblot analysis of SOX2, CDKN1A, CDKN1B and TP53 in the indicated lung SCC cell lines. The expression level of β-actin is shown as a control. (B) qPCR demonstrated that CDKN1A mRNA was significantly increased after SOX2 silencing by SOX2 siRNAs (siSOX2 #1 and siSOX2 #2) in EBC2, LK2 and H520 lung SCC cells. Non-targeting siRNA was used as a control (siCtrl). Detection of GAPDH was used for normalization. Results represent the mean ± SD (n = 3). Statistical significance was defined as p < 0.01 (*). (C) Immunoblot analysis shows increased CDKN1A expression 48 hours after SOX2 siRNAs (siSOX2 #1 and siSOX2 #2) transfection in EBC2, LK2 and H520 lung SCC cells. TP53 expression was not changed after SOX2 siRNAs transfection. Non-targeting siRNA was used as control (siCtrl). (D) The qPCR analysis showed that CDKN1A mRNA expression was decreased 48 hours after Ad-CMV/SOX2 (Ad-SOX2) infection at a MOI of 100 in EBC1 and at a MOI of 10 in H226 lung SCC cells. Ad-CMV/Luc (Ad-Luc) did not change CDKN1A mRNA expression in both lung SCC cell lines. Non-treated cells were used as a control (Ctrl). Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that CDKN1A protein was suppressed 48 hours after Ad-SOX2 infection in EBC1 and H226 lung SCC cells. Ad-Luc did not change CDKN1A protein expression in the cells. TP53 expression was not changed in the cells. Statistical significance was defined as p < 0.01 (*).