Figure 2. The properties of geNOps remain unaffected upon mitochondria targeting.
(a) Confocal images of HeLa cells expressing either mtC-geNOp (left image) or mtG-geNOp (right image). Scale bar, 10 μm. (b) Normalized average curves±s.e.m. of mtC-geNOp (left panel) and mtG-geNOp (right panel) signals with (n=4 for mtC-geNOp; n=7 for mtG-geNOp) and without (n=5 for mtC-geNOp; n=4 for mtG-geNOp) iron(II)/vitamin C pretreatment. Experiments were performed using HeLa cells. (c) Representative original curve showing fluorescence over time of mtG-geNOp expressed in HeLa cells in response to consecutive applications of 3 mM SNP (n=3). (d) Concentration response curves showing the effects of different NOC-7 concentrations on fluorescence intensities of either mtC-geNOp (left panel, cyan curve, n=4) versus C-geNOp (left panel, grey curve, for n see Fig. 1f) or mtG-geNOp (right panel, green curve, n=6) versus G-geNOp (right panel grey curve, for n see Fig. 1f). Experiments were performed using HeLa cells. Points represent average values±s.e.m.