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. 2016 Feb 4;16:26. doi: 10.1186/s12890-016-0187-3

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics and risk factors for patients with acquired drug resistant TB during SCC

Characteristics Pan-susceptible TB throughouta n = 1609(%) Any acquired drug resistant TBb Acquired MDR-TB vs. Pan-susceptible TB throughout Acquired Non- MDR-TB vs. Pan-susceptible TB throughout
MDR-TBc n = 17(%) Non-MDR-TBd n = 45(%) OR (95 % CI)e P value OR(95 % CI) P value
 <40 756(47.0) 1(5.9) 19(42.2) Reference Reference
 40–59 560(34.8) 13(76.5) 20(44.5) 17.5(2.3–134.6) <0.001 1.4(0.8–2.7) 0.278
 ≥60 293(18.2) 3(17.6) 6(13.3) 7.7(0.8–74.7) 0.07g 0.8(0.3–2.1) 0.665
 Male 1160(72.1) 14(82.4) 35(77.8) Reference Reference
 Female 449(27.9) 3(17.6) 10(22.2) 0.6(0.2–1.9) 0.427g 0.7 (0.4–1.5) 0.401
BMIf (Kg/m2)
 BMI < 18.5 620(38.5) 3(17.6) 18(40.0) Reference Reference
 BMI ≥ 18.5 989(61.5) 14(82.4) 27(60.0) 2.9(0.8–10.2) 0.078 0.9(0.5–1.7) 0.842
Treatment history
 New 1407(87.4) 11(64.7) 38(84.4) Reference Reference
 Previously treated 202(12.6) 6(35.3) 7(15.6) 3.8(1.4–10.4) 0.015g 1.3(0.6–2.9) 0.550

aPan-susceptible TB throughout in our study was defined as cases with TB strains susceptible to all four first-line anti-TB drugs including soniazid(H), rifampicin(R), ethambutol(E), and streptomycin(S) both pretreatment and throughout therapy

bAny acquired drug resistant TB in our study was defined as cases with TB strains that were susceptible to all four first-line anti-TB drugs pretreatment, but developed resistance to at least one of the four drugs during SCC

c MDR-TB was defined as TB that was at least resistant to both isoniazid and rifampicin

dNon-MDR-TB in our study was defined as TB cases with any drug resistance pattern except MDR-TB

eOR, odds ratio. CI, confidence interval

fBMI, body mass index, calculated as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters

g P value was determined by Fisher’s Exact Test. Not indicated was determined by Pearson’s Chi-Square Test