Fig. 3.
PrPres deposition pattern in the brain of ovine PrP mice challenged with MM2-sCJD prions. Representative histoblots in 4 different antero-posterior sections of tg338 mouse brain after inoculation with tg338-passaged MM2-sCJD prions (a, 4th passage), tg338-cloned MM2-sCJD prions (b), brain (c) and spleen (d) of tg338 mice inoculated with PMCA-amplified MM2-sCJD prions, P2FJ6 cells challenged with uncloned (e), cloned (f) and PMCA-derived (g) MM2-sCJD prions (MM2 → PMCA → tg338). Note the marked deposition of PrPres in the lateral hypothalamic areas of mice inoculated with T1Ov prions (black arrowhead). Blots were probed with 12F10