Inclusion Criteria:
Population: Men and women 40–75 years of age
Sedentary to Recreationally Active (i.e., self-reported
physical activity < 150 minutes/week)
BMI: 25–40 kg/m2
Prediabetic or at increased risk: ADA Screener (score
≥ 5), HbA1c (5.7–6.4 mg/dl), FBG
(100–125 mg/dl) or OGTT
(140–200 mg/dl)
Doctor’s Note for patients with CHD
Blood pressure: ≤ 160/100 mm/Hg
Total Cholesterol and Triglycerides: ≤ 300 mg/dl and
≤ 450 mg/dl
Exclusion Criteria:
Current smokers
Diabetic or use of diabetes medications (i.e., metformin or
Health history of: respiratory disease, unstable CHD (i.e.,
chest pain or heart failure), inflammatory bowel disease,
cancer, neurological or hematological disorders, or
substance abuse
Antibiotic use in the past 3 months
Current enrollment in other research studies
Currently pregnant or intent to become pregnant
Currently taking prescribed NSAIDs, antioxidants, or fiber
Recent surgery
Food allergies, intolerances, and/or religious, cultural, or
other dietary restrictions