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. 2016 Feb 5;11(2):e0148331. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148331

Table 6. Distance between the origin of the sinoatrial nodal artery (SANa) and the ostia of the right coronary artery (RCA) and the left circumflex artery (LCX) in different population subgroups.

Population Number of studies (Number of RCA / LCX) Pooled mean, mm (95%CI) I2 Cochran’s Q, P-value
Distance from the ostium of the RCA to the origin of the SANa
All 18 (3313) 16.306 (14.134–18.478) 98.01 0.000
Asia 9 (2516) 16.308 (12.796–19.819) 98.99 0.000
Europe 4 (480) 15.977 (12.178–19.775) 94.28 0.000
South America 3 (221) 16.025(14.626–17.424) 0.00 0.542
Cadaveric 9 (499) 15.041 (13.270–16.812) 82.46 0.000
Imaging 9 (2814) 17.305 (13.918–20.693) 98.97 0.000
Distance from the ostium of the LCX to the origin of the SANa
All 14 (2029) 14.323 (11.706–16.939) 98.40 0.000
Asia 7 (1585) 10.359 (7.746–12.972) 98.37 0.000
Europe 3 (262) 20.360 (12.948–27.772) 92.45 0.000
North America 2 (127) 20.337 (3.971–36.702) 98.92 0.000
South America 2 (55) 14.164 (10.832–17.496) 0.00 0.578
Cadaveric 5 (112) 10.867 (6.783–14.951) 83.24 0.000
Imaging 9 (1917) 15.893 (12.582–19.203) 98.59 0.000

SANa, Sinoatrial nodal artery; RCA, Right coronary artery; LCX, Left circumflex artery