Fig 3. Femoral Geometry of C.B.4.2 mice.
(A) Representative photographs of C.B.4.2 femur cross sections following 3-point bending test for each genotype. (B) The effects of sex and genotype on (I) perimeter, p = 0.015, sex by genotype interactions B10/B10 females < B10/B10 males; (II) OMJA, p < 0.001, sex differences across all genotypes, (III) OMA, p = 0.026, sex by genotype interactions B10/B10 females < B10/B10 males and genotype differences in B10/B10 females < C3H/B10 females, (IV) IMJA, p < 0.001, sex differences across all genotypes, and (V) IMA, no significant differences; (VI) CSA, p = 0.043, sex by genotype interaction B10/B10 females < B10/B10 males and genotype differences in B10/B10 females < C3H/B10 and C3H/C3H females (p = 0.045); (VII) Shape factor, p < 0.001, sex differences across all genotypes. Values are means ± SE.