Figure 10. Generalization of outlasting activity discharges in a kindled cat (day 21).
Top panel, electrographic recording of a cat receiving kindling stimulation at transition from slow-wave sleep (SWS) to waking state. The recordings show chronologically slow-wave sleep (SWS), acute elicited seizure, focal and generalized outlasting activity (OA). Electrical stimuli were applied ~10 s after the onset of wake state. Depicted field-potential recordings were obtained from: 1. motor cortex (area 4 left); 2. motor cortex (area 4 right); 3. auditory cortex (area 22 right); 4. auditory cortex (area 22 left); 5. primary visual cortex (area 17 left); 6. primary visual cortex (area 17 right); and 7. EMG. Bottom panels show expanded recordings from the corresponding periods in the top panel. Reproduced with permission from (Nita et al., 2008b).