1- Are you familiar with bioterrorism threats (biological disasters)? |
111 (62.5) |
9 (7.5) |
2- Are you familiar with causative and pathogenic bioterrorism agents? |
114 (95.0) |
6 (5.0) |
3- Are you familiar with diagnostic and therapeutic methods at the event of encountering bioterrorism agents? |
120 (100) |
0 (0.0) |
4- Do you believe the central upper management is partly responsible for the lack of education and consequently lack of intervention in urgent biological disasters? |
45 (35.0) |
75 (62.5) |
1- Are you committed to staying at work at the event of a bioterrorist or biological attack? |
113 (94.2) |
7 (5.8) |
2- Do you tend to care and treat the probable victims at the event of a bioterrorist or biological attack? |
117 (97.5) |
3 (20.5) |
3- Do you tend to cooperate with your respective organization in biological defense (anti-bioterrorism) plans? |
115 (95.8) |
5 (4.2) |
4- If the personal protective clothing and complete isolation equipment are supplied, do you tend to work (able to take a role) in the area contaminated with pathogenic agent? |
108 (90) |
12 (10) |
5- Do you tend to participate in workshops and conferences related with bioterrorism? |
104 (86.7) |
16 (13.3) |
6- Do you tend to pass university courses or in-service training courses with the content of anti-bioterrorism defense? |
117 (97.5) |
3 (2.5) |
Organization preparation
1- Has your organization held retraining workshops and seminars in the field of biological defense and bioterrorism? |
100 (100) |
0 (0.0) |
2- Has a recorded and official instruction, proclamation, or training course been explained on how to intervene in biological and bioterrorist attacks? |
118 (98.3) |
2 (1.7) |
3- Does the organization you serve, provide the required financial supports for you at the time of encountering biological and bioterrorist attacks? |
119 (99.2) |
1 (0.8) |
4- Does the organization you serve, consider your worries and concerns about the security of yourself and your family at the time of facing biological and bioterrorist attacks? |
110 (91.7) |
10 (8.3) |
5- Does the central organization (in Tehran) consider your concerns and needs at the time of educational and strategic planning for preparedness against bioterrorist attacks? |
97 (80.8) |
23 (19.2) |
6- Do you believe material and spiritual encouragements by the upper management are necessary for better performance (quantitatively and qualitatively) at the event of bioterrorist attacks? |
95 (79.2) |
25 (20.8) |
7- What is your general attitude toward the preparedness level of relief and intervention teams at the event of a biological emergency? |
120 (100) |
0 (0.0) |
8- Do you have the required preparedness to be sent out to the zone of crisis if you are needed at the event of a biological attack in any part of the country? |
114 (95.0) |
6 (5.0) |