Figure 5.
Simplified diagrams of comovirus‐based expression system. (a) In the delRNA‐2 system (Cañizares et al., 2006), the wt CPMV RNA‐1, which contains the replication machinery, is co‐infiltrated with the modified RNA‐2 (delRNA) along with a suppressor of silencing (P19 from TBSV). ProC: proteinase cofactor, VPg: genome‐linked protein, Pro: proteinase, RdRp: RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase, 35S arrow: 35S promoter, 5′ UTR: CPMV RNA‐2 5′ untranslated region, GOI: gene of interest, nos triangle: nos terminator. The delRNA‐2 system is capable of replication, transcription and translation, but not cell‐to‐cell or systemic movement. (b) The pEAQ series of vectors contain T‐DNA constructs that contain a CPMV‐HT cassette, in which the GOI is placed downstream of the hypertranslatable CPMV‐HT 5′ UTR. The CPMV‐HT construct is not capable of replication or movement and instead relies on transcription and extremely efficient translation.