Mean Pcorr/Corr, Fisher coefficients, and p-values associated with functional connections of the full visual cortex network (all four quadrants analyzed together). In each matrix, Pcorr coefficients/p-values are presented in the lower left triangle and Corr coefficients/p-values are in the upper right triangle. (A) Mean Pcorr/Corr coefficients across all subjects (6) and runs per subjects (8) (6 × 8). (B) Mean Fisher coefficients across all subjects and runs. (C)
p-Values of statistically significant Pcorr/Corr associated with the functional connections in the full visual cortex network. The five defined eccentricity regions are labeled as e1, e2, e3, e4, and e5. Significance is thresholded at 0.05, with false discovery rate correction. Connections that did not show statistical significance are presented in white. LH, left hemisphere; RH, right hemisphere. Color images available online at